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As the comic itself suggests, Royal Existentials comments on angst in all time periods. It hopes to present the troubles and thoughts that common people go through and bring it into light. However, it often doesn't provide a resolution to the angst.

Webcomic Name is a webcomic wrote by Alex Norris and published on Tumblr that represents this tiny, small and round finger like pink creature and its anecdotes. The phrase "on no" that ends every "mini story" and the three panels "chapters"…

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A self-syndicated print comic by Alison Bechdel that ran in various local periodicals from 1983 to 2008. DTWOF is a countercultural comic focusing on lesbian life and sociopolitical issues, and Bechdel has recently published a few special editions…

In Hyperbole and a Half, Allie Brosh utilizes an exaggerated artistic style to convey more pressing issues with elements of comic relief to make the comic less solemn. Brosh implements elements of observational and absurdist humor to express a wide…

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Hyperbole and a Half is a collection of digital comics and blogs by Allie Brosh that tell stories from her childhood as well as the struggles that she faces in adulthood. Her webcomic has become so popular that many of her panels have turned into…

A massively successful interactive webcomic with heavy reliance on digital affordances. The webcomic follows a teenage John Egbert and his friends as they play a reality altering game.

Cold War by Angus McLeod is a historically-based webcomic that creates a dialogue between the two main characters: USA and USSR. Through this personification, the two countries argue, debate, and increase tensions, which leads to the world…

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Crocodile in Water, Tiger On Land makes comments about the political and social atmosphere through mostly words. The posts are characterized by lots of repeated art and patterns.

This website is a webcomic discussion forum where community members can plug their own webcomics, discuss other webcomics, critique webcomics, and much more.
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